I bought this sign at the flea market years ago. I thought it kind of funny at the time. I couldn't imagine why or what this poster meant. Some time later, I read that it was posted in the rail yards of America. I guess trains hump sometimes and it is verboten to do so. Whatever...
"Gather ye rose-buds while ye may." Robert Herrick
Hello Friends!
Friends, Romans, countrymen...y'all. Foodies, gardeners, artists and collectors - let's gather together to share and possibly learn a thing or two in the mix.
Donna Baker
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
The watermelon has taken over and is climbing over everything. Supposedly, you need lots of heat and dry weather to produce a sweet melon. We'll just see.
Good Grief! I am growing the Great Pumpkin this year. I bought some Dill's Atlantic Giant pumpkin seeds. They say pumpkins take a lot from the soil; they are heavy feeders and need lots of nutrients. So, I planted mine in the compost pile. We'll just see who grows a big one this year. I've seen growers that carve out the huge behemoths and sail in them in a regatta they have each year. Somewhere in the northeast. I don't know why they are able to grow them so big up there. Just like Martha Stewart's puffball fungi that gets the size of soccer balls. In a week or so, I'll carve my granddaughter's name on it. It will scab over and as it grows, so too will the name.
PS ~ On the right side of my blog is the followers widget. It has somehow gone blank and my sweet tens of followers have gone missing. Does anyone out there know how to get my followers back?
Saturday, July 25, 2009
I used to shop at a flea market and always went first to a man by the door from Missouri. One time, he had an old pineapple urn and this deer, which I now believe to be a lamb. It weighs a ton and seems to have a copper lining of some sort. The cement has old marbles and stones in it. Someone painted a dark brown over it at some point. Its eyes are glass; the pupils vertical like a goats eyes would be. Hence, the lamb....I think the lamb of God perhaps. You know where I'm going with this. I had asked the man from Missouri if he knew anything about it. He didn't. So instead of a garden statue, I believe it to be a statue that once sat atop a grave. Now, I know several years ago, there was talk in the business about not buying old grave markers or stones, but this was purchased before that time and I didn't know what it was.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Around here, the garden this year has not been plentiful. Must have been the cool, wet spring. Or maybe, my soil needs something. Next year, I'm having the extension test it. Can you imagine how our ancestors depended on their crops coming in good enough to feed their families throughout the rest of the year? What they must have gone through. Great Grandma Merriott remembered her father carrying buckets of water from the creek to water his vegetable garden and feed his eight kids. She said when he would come in each evening, he would be shaking all over from the strenuous exercise. Sounds impossible, yet he lived to be 97. No AC, no water hoses, or tillers...
I have gotten a small crop of pinto beans this summer. Most people would leave these to dry, then store them in jars. I have a secret for all of you green bean lovers. The pinto bean makes the best green beans. Period. They are meaty and just have no rivals. You do have to string them and if you wait too long to pick them or let them get too large, they will be tough. Cook them till tender and I didn't say this, since I don't eat mammals, but with some bacon and a little of the grease, you'll be in green bean heaven. Oh, by the way, after too much rain this spring and rain as rare as hen's teeth this summer, we got a good drenching this morning. The peas, gourds, pumpkins and melons will be happy.
Monday, July 20, 2009
More Collectibles
Just thought you might like a look. Next time, I'll open the cabinets.
Sunday, July 12, 2009

These dill pickles are easy to make. I have sold them at shows, flea markets, and just by word of mouth. I have had many past customers call and ask for them and finally have quite a following. I would like to start a business selling these and other pickles as well as jellies and jams. I have had many say they would love to market them for me, but I fear taking on too much debt. I researched one guy who sold pickles through supermarkets. He didn't even have to grow the pickles, nor can them. A factory did that for him. So I guess all he did was to market them to grocers. I would like to do that too. Farmer's Markets are good, but to really sell the product you would have to be in many markets. I just don't know where to start. I don't have a business head, and I'm not sure I want one.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Melt 1 1/2 sticks of butter. Mix with 1 1/2 cups flour and 1/2 cup powdered sugar and 1/2 cup slivered almonds. Press into a round tart pan or 9 x 13 rectangular pan. Bake 15 min. at 375 degrees until lightly golden brown. Don't overcook.
Cream Cheese Layer
Mix 8 oz. of cream cheese and 1 cup of powdered sugar. (It will look like the consistency of icing). Spread on cooled crust.
Berry Topping
3/4 c. sugar
1 1/2 cups water
2 TBS. cornstarch
pinch of salt
1 3 oz. box of strawberry gelatin (small box)
1-2 quarts of washed and drained strawberries (depending on how tall you want the pie)
1 pint blueberries
whipped cream for serving
Cook sugar, water, cornstarch and salt until moderately thick and clear. Dissolve strawberry gelatin in hot mixture. Place strawberries and blueberries in a bowl. While still hot, pour gelatin mixture over the berries. Pour over the baked crust/cream cheese layer. Place in refrigerator until set - a few hours is best. Serve with whipped cream.
Simply delicious on a hot summer day!
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