I am really very impressed by my fellow
bloggers. It takes a lot of time and effort to make the posts interesting and hopefully pretty; some of them so well done and professional looking. I, on the other hand, can only do the basics. Oh yes, I would love to have little falling stars across the written word and borders to die for. I just don't want to take the time to learn plus I fear what I have done will go poof. Also, this time of year, I am too busy gardening.
Sooooo, have a look at the flower/seed pod of a leek. I planted a stand of them last year and they didn't get as large as the ones in the store, so I just left them in the ground. Voila! This year they have huge purple heads on long stems - like something out of a Dr. Seuss garden.

And, these daisies have been coming back like old friends year after year for the past 27 summers. So what pray tell, do these specimens have to do with
bloggers and blogging? Well, I get to share them with you...