Well, this is how I spent my Memorial Day. Watching my weenies for twitching, foaming at the mouth, vomiting and seizures. Yes, quite the cautionary tale. My sweetest Emmy snored and dreamt a little. Ornery Sister, was at the other end of the couch and since she has medical issues and both of my little girls are elderly, I watched them like a hawk.
I have had problems with gophers, moles and sewer rats. They have tunneled all over and in my flower beds. After trying traps, I bought some poison. I have never used it before, but they were tunneling everywhere. So, I measured some and poured it down the hole. I stuffed steel wool over it and cut out some heavy hardware cloth (metal) and put it on top then hammered some spikes in it to keep it down. I covered it with dirt and flower seeds. That was two weeks ago.
This morning, I saw the girls little butts sticking out of a hibiscus shrub and knew what they were up to. As I walked over I passed by the poisoned place and glanced at it. They had not only torn the hardware cloth away, but had also pulled out the steel wool. I about had a heart attack. I replaced all and put rocks over it, then hurried in the house and called my vet. She gave me the symptoms to look for and said they could take hours to appear. She is 2 hours away and I'm sure not too happy to hear from me on a rare day off. She didn't think after two weeks and rain that they'd be in danger, but told me the steps an animal hospital would take.
So, still no symptoms and perhaps we dodged a catastrophe today. I wish I had a large margarita, but I don't. Tonight, after a frozen tv dinner, I'll be watching the third season of Bloodline and House of Cards. They are both really good.
Note to self - never use poison again. I've seen new tunnels and the rat eating at the bird feeder so it isn't dead. Aye yay yay!