Here are some of my cat collectibles. This is a carnival prize from the 40's perhaps. They were made from plaster of
paris and lifesized. Isn't he a cutie?

These little guys are a lamp base. I guess I missed the shade.

Kitten planter anyone?

Here's another version of the carnival win. It is even older than the larger one above. The tiny kitten is Japanese from the 50's.

Now this kitten is just too cute. Its smile makes me smile.

I love this print. It looks like a watercolor. I used to have a gray tabby named Fraidy.

This kitty is made of cement and is a doorstop though it is perched high above us.

Here is another
carnival kitty; it is large and plaster, but this one has glass eyes. I do love cats!
I want to tell my regular bloggy friends I have tried lately to leave comments on posts and have on occasion been unable to. There is something wrong with the word loading. I reported it though I don't know that it got to anyone, but if you have had the same problem it might be worth it to report it too. Love you guys.
I love kitties.
Very neat. I might have to find some to have around.
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