Butta anyone? I finally found my source for raw dairy products; a small organic farm a couple of hours away. I am thrilled to have found their products in Tulsa. And so the process began.

Notice that I churned the butter in a food processor?

The liquid is buttermilk, a by-product of the butter making process. Yes, I used the buttermilk too, in the yeast rolls. It turns white in the frig, but is not thickened like the kind bought at the store. I think they add glues and/or gums to it.

After squeezing all the buttermilk out, you rinse the butter in water until the water runs clear.

I wish I could say that only superwomen or men are able to make butter. This process was surprisingly easy. Yes, it is superior to
store bought butter and I plan on using old molds to form the butter for the holidays. This recipe made the standard sweet cream butter with a little sea salt added. The fun starts when you begin to culture the butter. One way in which you can influence the flavor, or culture, is by letting the cream ripen or sit out for days or a week. The flavor intensifies and I guess you could make different butters
infinitum. I can't wait to try different methods. One of the earliest recipes for a savory butter is from 1615 when rosemary was added to butter. Even the flavor of the grasses and the time of year the cream is produced, is a factor in flavor. I also found out more about goat cream. The molecules in goat milk are smaller and therefore, the cream does not rise to the top like cow's cream. A separator has to be used to get goat cream, which makes the best butter. I hope I can find some. Also, pasteurized cream can be used to make butter, but won't taste like butter from raw cream.
PS ~ I am so tickled when I get new followers. So, Lynn and Joycee, I'm proud to meet ya!
I have made butter too, it is so yummy, especially on fresh warm cloverleaf roles. Don't have a source anymore for the milk...but I'm gonna keep lookin'...now that you've made me drool, guess I'll have some lunch...
You just brought back memories of actually churning butter with my aunt. Looks really good too!
We made butter in kindergarten. (I taught it for a season or two before I realized they were so damp!)
We would just shake it in a jar!
I'd love to do that again in a food processor.
Donna... I think my grandmother was spinning in her grave over that "food processer butter churn"... Why, she spent hours on the porch churnning butter, after she milked the cows. I was too little to help churn, though I always offered.. but I was plenty big enough to eat it on her homemade biscuits! Now I've made myself hungry!
sounds delicious!
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