"Gather ye rose-buds while ye may." Robert Herrick

"Gather ye rose-buds while ye may." Robert Herrick

Hello Friends!

Friends, Romans, countrymen...y'all. Foodies, gardeners, artists and collectors - let's gather together to share and possibly learn a thing or two in the mix.

Donna Baker

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Remember When

Remember when our towns were smaller and had a main drag?  On every street children were outside playing, skating or riding around on bikes, jumping on a pogo stick or walking on stilts.    When I go to the city these days, I don't see kids outside playing.   Too busy with school and activities?  Too many bad people?  On their iPhone and computer games perhaps?  Even my own grown children are always looking at their cell phones. I now hear that email is out, people just want to text.  What will be the result of this kind of faceless interaction?  I'm just sayin'...


jerilanders said...

Donna,My husband and I are often commenting on the lack of "Kids playing outside", we find it so bizarre. When we were little, my mother couldn't get us IN the house. There was always a tree to climb, a sidewalk to skate down, a lizard to catch at the creek bank, or a game of tag.I count myself lucky to have grown up when I did, I am probably one of the few people grateful to be in my late 50's. I don't know where kids are these days, but I don't see a bright future for them. They aren't outside experiencing life, that's for sure.

R's Rue said...

Beautiful photos!

Dixie said...

My grand kids play outside all the time... With their mama (my daughter) sitting outside keeping her mama eye on them. She learned that from her mama... It's a shame that kids today can't just leave the house in the morning, play all day and show up for supper before dark... Just like we did back in the day. I'm not sure how much this has to do with bad people vs. iPads...?

And pink bedrooms... Yep, my Ricky puts the breaks on that one for me too! LOL

Robbyn said...

oh MY!!! I was looking at your blog for the first time and happened onto that picture with the Chinese checkerboard in the background. Is it in a shop for sale near you?? It is something I've been looking for for YEARS because my grandma had one and every time we went to her house, my sister and I as children, we would spend countless hours in a 3-way game of chinese checkers together sitting at her old zinc kitchen table. I can still remember the Spack Spack Spack sound of the marbles as we moved them across the board!! Please let me know if this is something you actually saw in person...and if by serendipity if it's for sale somewhere?? Thank you SO much!


donna baker said...

Hi Robbyn, I do see them often in shops and flea markets. I think the easiest way for you to find one would be on ebay. From factory made ones to homemade ones, I think you will be able to find one to your liking.

Robbyn said...

Thank you for your comment at my blog today! I'll reply soon but wanted to drop you a note here to let you know that you mentioned emailing me separately regarding the chinese checkerboard, but I didnt get anything in the mail. could you try to resend and check to make sure the address is ok? It's JARGiL@juno.com......thanks so much for your encouragement and comment! Robbyn