One thing that blogging has done for me is that it has introduced me to new music. I love music. My musical tastes are varied; I like many different kinds (with the exception of rap and fado). Since rap and golden oldies were all that was on most stations for such a long time, I started listening to NPR exclusively and have for many years now. Thus, I have many different programs that I love to listen to on NPR. Whew, that was a long segue but it's late at night.
One of those programs is The Splendid Table with Lynne Rossetto Kasper. (I googled her and she didn't look anything like I had imagined). Lynne can describe salt and make it sound like the most mouthwatering foodstuff on earth. As I drove back home from Tulsa on Saturday, I listened to her show. She featured the book COOKING GREEN: REDUCING YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT IN THE KITCHEN. I can't remember the author. Yes, we all know that we should eat local and organic, etc. And, in all fairness I haven't read the book nor will I. Nevertheless, here are a few tidbits from it.
Did you know your frig accounts for about 11% of your yearly electric bill? Oh no, what to do? Well, according to the author, you usually keep the temp in your frig around 38degrees. But, you could set the temp to the 40's to save on the cost. Ick! I don't want a swig of cool milk or juice. I imagine that meats might get moldy earlier than usual, leftovers go bad faster, etc. Bad advice in my book. I'll give that one an F.
Which cooks faster? Bulgar wheat, brown rice or quinoa? Hello tabuleh - goodbye brown rice and quinoa which is a perfect protein.
For all you Italians and pasta lovers out there: instead of the regular way of cooking pasta to the al dente stage, why not put the pasta into a pot of cold water and bring it to a boil for 2 minutes. Then turn off and let sit in its starch till ready to eat. I'll give that a B-. Or, what about cold blender soups? I'm not a gazpacho fan. I'd rather eat the ingredients separately. Anyway, the author talks about making cold soups; she had quite a repertoire of them. I'd eat the fruit ones but for the cold vegetable ones, Blecht! I'll have to give that one a C though here again, you would reduce your carbon footprint or "cookprint." Cute term huh? Guess that's how she got the book deal. Or, it could have also been the "gastrosexual", one whom cooks to entice/impress others.
When Lynne started talking about a California white burgandy made with Chardonnay grapes and artisinal cheeses, my signal started cracking up the further south I drove. Very upsetting with 20 minuted still left of the show. I do love this show. So it got me thinking about my own carbon cookprint. Well, since my babies have grown up, I don't cook much any more. Guess, that'll be my contribution. Or, instead of spending money on a kitchen item made in China then shipped halfway around the world, why not make it yourself?
Yes, you too can make your own cookie cutters. Whew, bet you thought I'd never get to it. All you need is to take a trip to the hardware store (hopefully you'll ride your bike). There you will pick up a sheet of galvanized tin (it comes in different thicknesses so you can decide which one fits your needs). You must also buy a pair of aviation snips (about $13.) to cut the tin with. You could also buy copper sheets though they are more expensive, but lovely. Cut a strip about 12-15" long and 1" depth. This measurement will vary depending on the design of the cutter. You can either wing it, like I do, bending the cutters into the shape you want. Or, you could also draw a template and bend the cutter accordingly. To join the ends, simply bend the two ends over together. Now has easy was that? They last forever and you can toss them in dishwater or the dishwasher. I have made every cutter imagineable. They work perfectly. So, help save the planet without having to drink clabbered milk or eat rancid meats. And take that Martha Stewart.